Bow Valley Insights

How Ken Hughes is Building a Living Legacy in the Bow Valley

Bow Valley Insights, Donor Stories, Philanthropy When Ken Hughes invited friends to celebrate his most recent birthday, he was adamant that presents were the last thing he needed. The former MP, MLA and Cabinet Minister, and current Canmore resident, had a better idea-one that was about giving rather than receiving,…

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Living Values, Leaving Legacies

Bow Valley Insights / Donor Stories / Funding Opportunities The Paddy Mulloy Memorial Fund at BCF Throughout her life, Harriett “Paddy” Mulloy (1922 – 2022) lived by her values-compassion, community, and deep appreciation for the world around her. She was a steward of the environment, a spiritualist who found solace…

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Vital Signs: Housing in the Bow Valley

About BCF / Bow Valley Insights / Bow Valley Vital Signs Bow Valley Vital Signs is the BCF program that raises awareness about the priorities and aspirations, challenges and opportunities that define community vitality in this unique place. Through an iterative cycle of discovery, analysis, and reporting, Bow Valley Vital…

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rundle mountain and big sky

Systems Change: What is it and why does it matter?

About BCF / Bow Valley Insights / Bow Valley Vital Signs BCF session “looks Upstream” Systems are complex – all of us live among them, whether we see it or not. Just as the world is a web of connections, our lives touch one another’s in many ways. A big…

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5 Questions with: Canmore Community Housing

Bow Valley Insights / Community Organizations Our Series on Affordability and Housing in the Bow Valley   It’s no secret that the Bow Valley is in a affordable housing crisis. It’s complicated, systemic, a local manifestation of broader forces and frustrating for many. Banff Canmore Community Foundation (BCCF) is interested…

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Creative Action and Connection: Introducing BCF’s new brand

When a fire broke out at the Lake Louise Charleston staff residence on July 3, 2023, more than 170 people lost almost all their belongings. For many, this was their first job away from home and the uncertainty hit them hard. The Bow Valley community stepped in quickly looking for ways to help. Within a day, the Banff Canmore Foundation activated its Bow Valley Emergency Fund (BVEF), a stand-by fund that’s designed for quick response of financial aid in the Bow Valley.

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Community Services Recovery Fund Local Recipients Announced

When a fire broke out at the Lake Louise Charleston staff residence on July 3, 2023, more than 170 people lost almost all their belongings. For many, this was their first job away from home and the uncertainty hit them hard. The Bow Valley community stepped in quickly looking for ways to help. Within a day, the Banff Canmore Foundation activated its Bow Valley Emergency Fund (BVEF), a stand-by fund that’s designed for quick response of financial aid in the Bow Valley.

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Nakoda Radio Supports Language Revival

When a fire broke out at the Lake Louise Charleston staff residence on July 3, 2023, more than 170 people lost almost all their belongings. For many, this was their first job away from home and the uncertainty hit them hard. The Bow Valley community stepped in quickly looking for ways to help. Within a day, the Banff Canmore Foundation activated its Bow Valley Emergency Fund (BVEF), a stand-by fund that’s designed for quick response of financial aid in the Bow Valley.

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Wills Week: What, Why, When and How

When a fire broke out at the Lake Louise Charleston staff residence on July 3, 2023, more than 170 people lost almost all their belongings. For many, this was their first job away from home and the uncertainty hit them hard. The Bow Valley community stepped in quickly looking for ways to help. Within a day, the Banff Canmore Foundation activated its Bow Valley Emergency Fund (BVEF), a stand-by fund that’s designed for quick response of financial aid in the Bow Valley.

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Mînî hrpa is Back October 28

When a fire broke out at the Lake Louise Charleston staff residence on July 3, 2023, more than 170 people lost almost all their belongings. For many, this was their first job away from home and the uncertainty hit them hard. The Bow Valley community stepped in quickly looking for ways to help. Within a day, the Banff Canmore Foundation activated its Bow Valley Emergency Fund (BVEF), a stand-by fund that’s designed for quick response of financial aid in the Bow Valley.

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